In recent days, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has made a scandalous decision in the case of Marcin Romanowski, a member of the Sovereign Poland. Romanowski’s immunity was stripped, and the lifting procedure itself was conducted in a way that arouses great controversy. Zbigniew Rau, former head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, described this decision as „political” and did not rule out that it could have been taken before the official procedure was launched. What happened to Romanowski is the effect of the leftist influences prevailing in the PACE, especially German ones, which seek to eliminate conservative politicians from public life.
Romanowski did not take part in the committee meeting because he did not have the opportunity to properly prepare for his defense – the procedure was accelerated in a way that prevented him from acting effectively. As Zbigniew Rau noted, Romanowski wanted all doubts about his actions to be cleared up, but the procedure for lifting his immunity was carried out so quickly that the politician was unable to present his position.
Worse still, Polish politicians such as Agnieszka Pomaska actively pressured foreign MPs to vote against Romanowski. Pomaska, like other representatives of the left-wing establishment, acted in accordance with an anti-conservative agenda aimed at eliminating Christian and conservative values from the European political scene. What happened in the Romanowski case is not just an attack on one politician, but an element of a broader offensive aimed at conservative values and freedom of speech.
It is worth noting that the left-wing establishment of the ZP RE, as in the case of many other issues, acted in full synchronization with German and EU interests. This is evidence of the increasingly strong dominance of the leftist agenda in Europe, which does not aim to protect the rule of law, but to introduce a new, „progressive” norm, the aim of which is to eliminate the right.
President Andrzej Duda also addressed this issue, pointing out that we are dealing with an obvious legal usurpation and lawlessness, which is constantly being implemented by Donald Tusk’s government. Duda noted that the attempt to remove Dariusz Barski from the position of National Prosecutor was unlawful and that we are dealing with a flagrant violation of the constitution and the rule of law. Additionally, Duda expressed outrage at the lack of reaction from the European Commission, which in the past was extremely active in criticizing the Polish government, but today turns a blind eye to the current authorities’ violations of the law.
It is also impossible not to notice the hypocrisy of the European Commission, which, instead of defending the rule of law, supports the actions of Donald Tusk’s party colleagues operating under the banner of the European Union. It is precisely the leftist influence, both in the European Commission and in the Polish Coalition, that led to the escalation of actions against conservative politicians such as Romanowski. Today’s Europe, led by leftist elites, increasingly resembles a system in which the law is applied selectively and conservatives are eliminated from the public sphere.
Photo: PAP/Tomasz Gzell